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Landscapes Desktop Theme: Ice and Snow Winter Wallpapers

[US] Alberta, Canada: Banff National Park Snow Wallpaper [TW] 加拿大阿爾伯塔: 班芙國家公園雪景壁紙 [US] Fichtel Mountains, Germany: Snow-covered fir trees in the early morning light wallpaper [TW] 德國菲希特爾山: 黎明晨光中大雪覆蓋的杉樹壁紙 [US] Oregon: Winter Sunrise at Mount Hood wallpaper [TW] 俄勒岡州: 胡德山的冬季日出壁紙 [US] Sweden: Snow on the trees wallpaper [TW] 瑞典: 樹上積雪壁紙 [US] Ore Mountains, Germany: A halo surrounds a snow-covered tree wallpaper [TW] 德國厄爾士山脈: 光環圍繞著一棵冰雪覆蓋的樹壁紙 [US] Yukon, Canada: sunrise over a small frozen lake wallpaper [TW] 加拿大育空: 日出在結冰的小湖上壁紙 [US] A European robin perched on a snow-covered branch wallpaper [TW] 冰雪覆蓋的樹枝上停留著一隻歐洲知更鳥壁紙 [US] Finnish Lapland Snow Scenery Wallpaper [TW] 芬蘭拉普蘭雪景壁紙 [US] Snow curve wallpaper [TW] 積雪的曲線壁紙 [US] North Dakota, USA: Haystacks on a snowfield wallpaper [TW] 美國北達科他州: 雪原上的干草堆壁紙 [TW]  Landscapes Desktop專題:冰天雪地冬天壁紙